What Is the Cost of Tinting House Windows? Everything You Need to Know

CGT Blogger • Apr 19, 2023

Are you planning a window tinting project and want to know how it can fit your budget? Here is everything to know about the cost of tinting house windows.

cost of tinting house windows

Did you know that tinted windows can block up to 87% of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in your home? This can significantly aid in the prevention of skin cancer among you and your family. 

The benefits of tinted windows don't stop there, though. You can enjoy energy efficiency, reduced heat throughout your home, and more. 

Still, you might be wondering about the cost of tinting house windows. If so, you've come to just the right article to learn more. 

Detailed below is your complete guide to the cost of hiring a residential window tinting service. Keep reading to see how this home improvement is worth the investment. 

Factors to Consider

When it comes to window tinting, several factors can affect the cost. First, consider the size and number of windows that need to be tinted. The more windows you have or, the larger they are, the more it will cost to tint them.

The type of tint film you choose will also have a significant impact on the cost. Dyed film is the most affordable option. Conversely, metalized and ceramic films tend to be more expensive due to their advanced features.

Hybrid and high-performance films are the most expensive options on the market. Still, they offer superior protection and energy efficiency.

The installation method used is also a cost factor to keep in mind. Some companies may charge more for professional installation. Others may offer a lower price if you choose to install the tint yourself, though this isn't recommended.

Finally, additional features such as UV protection can also play a role. UV protection is an important feature. It can help prevent damage to furniture and flooring from sun exposure.

Considering these factors should help you determine what your window tinting needs really are for your home. Then, you can start to build a budget around the result. 

Average Cost of Tinting House Windows

The average cost per square foot of window tinting is between $3 and $7. However, the cost per window can range from $40 to $300, depending on the factors mentioned above.

If you want to tint all the windows in your house, the cost could be significant. If that's your end goal, but you're still concerned about the price, consider installing tinted windows in phases. Only do one area of the house at a time to stagger the overall costs over a longer period. 

On average, the cost to tint an entire house ranges from $500 to $2,500 or more. This depends on the size of the house and the type of tint film used.

It's important to keep in mind that the cost of window tinting can also vary by location. The specific company you choose to work with can also affect these rates considerably. Be willing to get a free estimate upfront so you have a better idea of what to expect. 

It's also worth remembering the long-term value of investing in tinted windows. You deserve the resulting comfort and energy savings of this crucial upgrade to your home. 

DIY vs. Professional Installation

It may be tempting to try to save money by installing window tinting yourself. Before you make that move, though, there are several reasons why it's better to trust professional installation instead.

First, professional installers have the experience and expertise to ensure that the tint is applied correctly and evenly. This can be difficult to achieve with DIY installation, especially if you've never done it before.

Professional installation also ensures that the tint film is of high quality and that the job is done efficiently. This means that the tint will last longer and perform better. As a result, this ensures you have all of the benefits of tinted windows that you invested in.

In addition, professional installation typically comes with a warranty or guarantee. This can give you peace of mind that your investment is protected. If anything goes wrong with the tint or installation, the company will fix it for you.

home window tint installation near me

Finding a Professional Window Tinting Service

When you're ready to upgrade your home's windows, don't trust just anyone with the job. You're spending good money on this home improvement project. Make sure you're hiring a service you can truly trust.

Start by doing your research and look for companies with good reputations and positive reviews. Make sure to ask about any additional fees or charges that may be included in the final cost. This is also your chance to ask about that warranty to see if they can back up their service and products.

Maintenance and Repair Cost

Regular maintenance can help extend the life of the tint and prevent damage. This includes cleaning the windows regularly with a mild soap and water solution. It also means avoiding the use of abrasive materials or harsh chemicals.

However, even with regular maintenance, it's possible for window tinting to become damaged over time. Common causes of damage include scratches, cracks, and bubbling.

If this happens, it's essential to have the tint repaired as soon as possible. Do this in order to prevent further damage and maintain the effectiveness of the tint.

The maintenance and repair cost will vary depending on the extent of the damage and the type of tint film used. Minor repairs may be relatively inexpensive. More extensive damage may require the replacement of the entire tint film.

You should also consider the long-term purpose of your window tinting. Are you trying to sell the home, for instance? 

If so, then it's definitely worth maintaining and caring for your home's window tints. The value of energy-efficient homes with features like this can have a 2%-8% higher resale value than others in your same neighborhood. 

Investing in Home Window Tinting

Now that you understand the cost of tinting house windows, it's time to take action. You and your family deserve to reap the benefits of investing in this worthwhile home improvement project.

That's where we can help. Our team specializes in Custom Glass Tinting for families just like you. Request a free estimate now so you can prepare for this new home upgrade. 

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